When Is The Best Time To Purchase a Camper?
This is a question that I receive ALL.THE.TIME. My answer is always the same...the best time to purchase a new camper is between the months of October and December. There are several reasons why this is so.
#1 - National Dealer Show in September

Every September the RV Manufacturers host a national dealer show in Indiana (photo on left is from the Thor display in Elkhart). At this show dealers are able to view new models, see product changes and sign up for new franchises. To entice dealers to order order order, the manufacturers offer special discounts on units ordered at the dealer show and many even offer to pay any interest that the dealer will be charged on their inventory for a period of a few months. As a result, most dealers will place large orders for inventory at the show which means that from the months of November to December, inventory levels will be at an all time high at most dealers' lots -- meaning you have lots to pick from and because of the special incentives they have been given by the manufacturer's at the show, the dealer will be able to offer larger than normal discounts on in stock units. (Just for good measure, the picture above is one taken of me at this year's RV Dealer show where we picked up the Rockwood GeoPro product line)
#2- It's the Slow Time of Year
After school starts RV Sales typically slow down until after the New Year. Dealers will have a high supply of units but lower demand, so they are going to be willing to take a little (or a lot) less profit than normal to move a unit.
#3- Dealers are in a Race to Boost their Year End Numbers
99% of dealers rely on a financing source for their inventory (called Floorplan Lending). The Floorplan lender bases the dealer's line of credit amount (how much money they will let the dealer borrow to buy inventory) in large part based on the amount of sales they had the previous year. So December is the month that dealers are racing to add sales to their books in hopes of getting a larger line of credit for the following year.
#4- Tax Time Savings
If you are a business owner or travel for business, you may be able to write off the cost of a new camper. Talk to your CPA and see if this is something that you can do to save money come April.
And, even if you aren't able to write off the camper, the IRS will let you write off the interest you pay on your camper loan as it is considered a 2nd residence. Talk to your CPA to learn more.
So if you are thinking about buying a camper in the spring, why not do it now when you have a better chance of finding the exact unit you want, in stock, and having the opportunity to pay less for that unit than you would in Spring. Add to that some of the best financing terms available in recent history, including rates as low as 3.15%, $0 down financing and up to 90 days no payments (all with approved credit of course), it's almost a no-brainer!
Why not try something new with your family...WINTER CAMPING! Camping is not just a spring and summer activity, search the web and you'll find tons of people who love camping in the winter with no crowds, easy to find reservations at popular campgrounds..there's not better way to make family memories.
Al’s Trailer Sales is one of the few family owned and operated RV dealers in Oregon. For well over 40 years, Al’s Trailer Sales has served the Salem, Eugene, Portland and Bend metro areas with new and used RVs from top brands including Keystone, Forest River, Dutchmen, Coleman, Grand Design and others.